Contesting Neoliberal Urbanism on the European Semi-periphery: The Right to the City Movement in Croatia
Dolenec, Danijela, Doolan, Karin i Tomašević, Tomislav
This essay is a case study of the Right to the City movement in Croatia, one of the largest citizens’ struggles in the country’s recent history. Firstly, we argue that the movement managed to avoid the supposedly unavoidable Michels’s iron law of oligarchy. Outlining the movement’s trajectory in five phases, we show how it always prioritised social impact over institutional self-preservation. Secondly, we analyse movement outcomes as viewed by activists. In interviews with activists we establish features of evolving activist citizenship as well as ways in which participation in the movement influenced the forging of alliances among organisations and initiatives.
Klikom na “Prihvati sve kolačiće” pristajete na pohranjivanje kolačića na vaš uređaj radi poboljšanja navigacije web-mjesta, analize korištenja web-mjesta i pomoći u našim marketinškim naporima. Pogledajte našu Politiku privatnosti za više informacija.